API Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 119. Filters (continued)
Filter name Description
Visible Filter by group visibility
NextRunBegin Filter by job next run time start.
NextRunEnd Filter by next run time end.
LastRunBegin Filter by last run time start.
LastRunEnd Filter by last run time end.
Table 120. Attributes
Attribute Description
Id ID of the job.
JobName Name of the job.
JobDescription Description of the job.
JobType Type of the job.
NextRun The next time when the job will be executed.
LastRun The last time when the job was executed.
StartTime Start time of the job.
EndTime End time of the job.
Schedule Job schedule (cron string).
State Indicates whether the job is enabled or disabled.
CreatedBy User who created the job.
UpdatedBy User who updated the job.
Visible Indicates whether the job is visible.
Editable Indicates whether the job can be edited.
BuiltIn Indicates if the job is internal.
Targets Job targets.
Params Parameters for the job.
LastRunStatus Indicates the status of the last instance of the job execution.
JobStatus Job completion status.
2020 Scheduled
2030 Queued
2040 Starting
2050 Running
2060 Completed
2070 Failed
2080 New
2090 Warning
2100 Aborted
2101 Paused
2102 Stopped
2103 Canceled
Links Link to access all execution histories.
340 Monitor