API Guide

Table Of Contents
"@odata.id": "/api/AccountService/ExternalAccountProvider"
Table 14. Attributes
Attribute Description
Description Description for the Account service.
Name Name given for Account service.
State Indicates the known state of the resource.
HealthRollup Health rollup status.
Health Health of the resource.
ServiceEnabled Indicates if the service is enabled or disabled.
AuthFailureLoggingThreshold Number of authorization failures that need to occur before
the failure attempt is logged to the manager log.
MinPasswordLength Minimum password length.
MaxPasswordLength Maximum password length.
AccountLockoutThreshold The number of failed login attempts before a user account is
locked for a specified duration. 0 indicates that the account is
never locked.
AccountLockoutDuration The time in seconds an account is locked after the account
lockout threshold is met. This value must be equal or greater
than the AccountLockoutResetAfter value. 0 indicates that
the account is never locked.
AccountLockoutCounterResetAfter The interval of time in seconds since the last failed login
attempt at which point the lockout threshold counter for
the account is reset to zero. Must be less than or equal to
EnableIpRangeAddress Enable or disable IP range address.
IpRangeAddress IP rage address to be used.
ByUserName Configure this service by user name.
ByIPAddress Configure this service by IP address.
PUT method for AccountService
This method updates the user account configurations.
Updates account-level configurations for the accounts.
HTTP response
Example request
"Id": "10",
"Description": "OME-Modular User Accounts",
"Name": "Account Service",
"Status": {
"State": "Enabled",
"HealthRollup": "OK",
"Health": "OK"
38 Application settings