API Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 145. Attributes (continued)
Attribute Description
Address IP address.
Name Name of the chassis.
Description Description of the chassis.
Identifier Service Tag of the chassis.
DomainTypeId Information for internal programmatic use.
DomainTypeValue Information for internal programmatic use.
DomainRoleTypeId ID of the domain role. Possible value:
DomainRoleTypeValue Type of domain role. Possible values:
Version Version of OMEModular.
TRUEIndicates that this domain is the local domain
where the API is run.
FALSEIndicates that this domain is the remote domain
where the API is run.
GroupId Unique identifier of the group across different domains.
GroupName Group name for the MCM domain group.
BackupLead Indicates if the domain is a backup lead.
Capabilities Indicates the capabilities of the domain.
LEADBACKUPCOMPATIBLE Indicates if the domain is backup lead eligible.
BackupHealth Indicates the health of lead data replication on the
backup chassis and if the backup data is current or stale
when compared to the lead data. The backup health is
applicable only to backup lead domain the API, /api/
ManagementDomainService/Domains. In the other
domains, the backup lead is displayed as "2000" or unknown.
The backup health for backup lead chassis is displayed as
"2000" or unknown when the API is run on a member chassis.
This URI represents the role of a specific chassis domain.
GET method for Domains(Id)
This method returns the role of a specific chassis domain.
The chassis domain role is as follows:
Chassis domain part of MCM group LEAD or MEMBER
Chassis domain not part of a MCM group STANDALONE
Returns the role of a specific chassis domain.
APIs specific to OpenManage Enterprise Modular Edition 437