API Guide

Table Of Contents
/api/GroupService/Groups(group id)/EventSeveritySummary?
$filter=StatusType eq 2000
This URL returns the count of unacknowledged alerts.
GET method for EventSeveritySummary?$filter=StatusType eq 2000
This method returns the count of unacknowledged alerts.
Description Returns the count of unacknowledged alerts.
/api/GroupService/Groups(group id)/EventSeveritySummary?
$filter=StatusType eq 1000
This URL returns the count of acknowledged alerts.
GET method for EventSeveritySummary?$filter=StatusType eq 1000
Description This method returns the count of acknowledged alerts.
/api/GroupService/Groups(group id)/
EventSeveritySummary$filter=StatusType eq 1
This URL returns the count of all the alerts.
GET method for EventSeveritySummary$filter=StatusType eq 1
This method returns the count of all the alerts.
This URI represents the group hierarchy.
GET method for GroupAudits
This method returns device groups and groups hierarchy changes.
Returns device groups and groups hierarchy changes.
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HTTP response
APIs specific to OpenManage Enterprise 579