API Guide

Table Of Contents
"@odata.context": "/api/$metadata#Collection(ReportService.ReportDef)",
"@odata.count": 21,
"value": [{
"@odata.type": "#ReportService.ReportDef",
"@odata.id": "/api/ReportService/ReportDefs(10042)",
"Id": 10042,
"Name": "Alert Counts per Device Report",
"Description": "This report contains alert counts per severity and
totals per Device.",
"IsBuiltIn": true,
"LastEditedBy": "admin",
"LastRunDate": "2018-09-11 15:36:17.05",
"LastRunBy": "admin",
"LastRunDuration": "0.38",
"QueryDef": {
"FilterId": 10012,
"ContextId": 2
"ColumnNames": [{
"Id": 1000,
"Name": "Device Name",
"Width": 30,
"Sequence": 1
"Id": 1001,
"Name": "Device Service Tag",
"Width": 20,
"Sequence": 2
"Id": 1002,
"Name": "Device Type",
"Width": 20,
"Sequence": 3
"Id": 1003,
"Name": "Device Model",
"Width": 30,
"Sequence": 4
"Id": 1004,
"Name": "Critical",
"Width": 20,
"Sequence": 5
"Id": 1005,
"Name": "Warning",
"Width": 20,
"Sequence": 6
"Id": 1006,
"Name": "Normal",
"Width": 20,
"Sequence": 7
"Id": 1007,
"Name": "Info",
"Width": 20,
"Sequence": 8
"Id": 1008,
"Name": "Total",
"Width": 20,
"Sequence": 9
APIs specific to OpenManage Enterprise