API Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 187. Attributes
Attribute Description
Id Plug-in ID
Name Plug-in name
UpdateAvailable Is update available for the plug-in.
Installed Is the plug-in already installed or not?
Enabled Is the plug-in enabled or not?
Publisher Plug-in publisher
CurrentVersion Current installed version.
Description Description associated with the plug-in.
InstalledDate Last installed date of the plug-in.
LastUpdatedDate Last updated date of the plug-in.
LastDisabledDate Last disabled date of the plug-in.
This URL returns the individual plug-in information.
GET method for Plugins('<PluginId>')
This method returns the individual plug-in information.
Privilege VIEW
HTTP response
response body
"@odata.context": "/api/$metadata#PluginService.Plugin",
"@odata.type": "#PluginService.Plugin",
"@odata.id": "/api/PluginService/Plugins('2F6D05BE-EE4B-4B0E-B873-
"Id": "2F6D05BE-EE4B-4B0E-B873-C8D2F64A4625",
"Auto": true,
"Name": "Power Manager",
"UpdateAvailable": false,
"Installed": true,
"Enabled": true,
"Publisher": "DELL EMC",
"CurrentVersion": "",
"Description": "Dell EMC OpenManage Enterprise Power Manager is
an extension to the Dell EMC OpenManage Enterprise console and uses
fine-grained instrumentation to provide increased visibility over power
consumption, anomalies, and utilization. In addition, the Power Manager
extension alerts and reports on thermal events with servers and groups
of servers. This enables increased control, faster response times,
greater accuracy, and broader decision-making intelligence than would
otherwise be possible. When used with Dell EMC PowerEdge servers or
chassis with the required iDRAC Enterprise or Chassis Management Control
APIs specific to OpenManage Enterprise 623