API Guide

Table Of Contents
"AccountLockoutCounterResetAfter": 900,
"Accounts": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts"
"Roles": {
"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles"
Table 201. Attributes
Attribute name Description
ID ID of the account service.
Description Description of the account service.
Name Name of the account service.
ByUserName Indicates if the service is configured by user name.
ByIPAddress Indicates if the service is configured by IP address.
State Indicates the known state of the resource.
HealthRollup Health roll-up status
Health Health of the resource.
MinPasswordLength Minimum length of the password.
MaxPasswordLength Maximum length of the password.
ServiceEnabled Indicates if the service is enabled or disabled.
AuthFailureLoggingThreshold The number of authorization failures after which the failure
attempt is logged in the Manager log.
AccountLockoutThreshold The number of failed login attempts after which a user
account is locked for the specified duration. 0 indicates that
the account is never locked.
AccountLockoutDuration Number of seconds for which an account is locked after the
account lockout threshold is met. This value must be equal
to or greater than the value for AccountLockoutResetAfter. 0
indicates that the account is never locked.
AccountLockoutCounterResetAfter Number of seconds after which the lockout threshold counter
is reset to zero. The duration is counted from the last failed
login attempt. This value must be equal to or less than the
value for AccountLockoutDuration.
EnableIpRangeAddress Indicates if IP range address is enabled or disabled.
IpRangeAddress IP range address to be used.
PUT method for AccountService
This method updates the account configuration of all the accounts.
Updates the account configuration.
HTTP response
Example request
652 Redfish resource model