API Guide

Table Of Contents
"@odata.count": 0,
This URI represents a specific alert.
GET method for Alerts(Id)
This method returns the details of a specific alert.
Description Returns the details of a specific alert.
Privilege VIEW
HTTP response
response body
"@odata.context": "$metadata#AlertService.Alert/$entity",
"@odata.id": "/api/AlertService/Alerts(3)",
"Id": 3,
"SeverityType": 16,
"SeverityName": "Critical",
"AlertDeviceId": 1714,
"AlertDeviceName": "localhost.smd.devops.dell.com",
"AlertDeviceType": 1000,
"AlertDeviceIpAddress": "xx.xx.xx.xx",
"AlertDeviceMacAddress": "18:a9:9b:fd:cb:37",
"AlertDeviceIdentifier": "VBC1234",
"AlertDeviceAssetTag": null,
"DefinitionId": 1100,
"CatalogName": "NGM Chassis",
"CategoryId": 1000,
"CategoryName": "System Health",
"SubCategoryId": 7705,
"SubCategoryName": "Temperature",
"StatusType": 2000,
"StatusName": "Not-Acknowledged",
"TimeStamp": "2016-11-19 00:00:00.000",
"Message": "The system board battery is low.",
"EemiMessage": "The system board battery is low.",
"RecommendedAction": "NA",
"AlertMessageId": "BAT0000",
"AlertVarBindDetails": null,
"AlertMessageType": "REDFISH"
Table 49. Attributes
Attribute name Description
Id Event record ID.
SeverityType ID of severity.
SeverityName Name of severity.
AlertDeviceId ID of device.
AlertDeviceName Name of device.
AlertDeviceType Device type ID.
Alerts 89