API Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 49. Attributes (continued)
Attribute name Description
AlertDeviceIpAddress IP address of device.
AlertDeviceMacAddress MAC address of device.
AlertDeviceIdentifier Identifier or Service Tag of device.
AlertDeviceAssetTag Asset tag of device.
DefinitionId ID of the definition associated to the alert.
CatalogName Catalog name associated to alert.
CategoryId Category ID associated to alert.
CategoryName Category name associated to alert.
SubCategoryId Sub category ID associated to alert.
SubCategoryName Sub category name associated to alert.
StatusType ID of status type.
StatusName Name of status type.
TimeStamp Date and time when the alert was raised.
Message Message describing the issue.
EemiMessage Event and Error Message describing the issue, if applicable.
RecommendedAction Recommended action for the alert.
AlertMessageId Event and Alert Message ID associated with the issue.
AlertVarBindDetails List of variable bindings of the alert, if applicable.
AlertMessageType Type of messageInternal, SNMP, Redfish, and so on.
This URI represents all the alert categories.
GET method for AlertCategories
This method returns all the alert categories.
Returns all alert categories.
Privilege VIEW
HTTP response
response body
"@odata.context": "/api/
"@odata.count": 13,
"value": [
"@odata.type": "#AlertService.AlertCategories",
"@odata.id": "/api/AlertService/
"Name": "Application",
"IsBuiltIn": true,
"CategoriesDetails": [
90 Alerts