Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Dump the RHEL ISO onto the USB stick via dd command.
# dd if=/home/dell/RHEL7.3.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M conv=noerror,sync
BIOS boots the Linux kernel from USB.
Follow the on-screen steps to finish installing RHEL.
After the installation is completed, reboot the server.
For detailed installation instructions, please refer to
Verify Existing Filesystem
Press PowerOn button on the server
When the OS is up running,
$ su
Verify contents stored on NVDIMM-Ns
# cat /mnt/nvdimm0
# shutdown
Read-Only Mode NVDIMM-N
Press PowerON button on the server
Follow the guidance in Section 4 to setup BIOS.
Enable the Persistence Memory, disable NVDIMM Interleave, enable NVDIMM Read-Only.
When OS is up and running,
$ su
To see whether it is writable
# touch /mnt/nvdimm0/write.txt
# shutdown
For R740/R640, insert NVDIMM-Ns in memory slots of both CPU Sockets. For this example 6 NVDIMM-Ns are installed on
CPU0, and 6 are installed on CPU1.
Interleave Setup
Press PowerOn button on the server
Follow the guidance in Section 4 to setup BIOS.
Enable the Persistence Memory, enable NVDIMM Interleave, disable NVDIMM Read-Only.
Install RHEL or start OS if it is already installed