Users Guide

Table Of Contents
When OS is up running,
$ su
CPU0s 6 NVDIMM-Ns show up as /dev/pmem0, CPU1s 6 NVDIMM-Ns appear as /dev/pmem1.
# ls /dev/pmem*
View the size of /dev/pmem0 and /dev/pmem1, each should be around 6*16 GB = 96GB because each NVDIMM-N is 16 GB.
# lsblk
Create xfs file system for /dev/pmem0 and /dev/pmem1
# mkfs.xfs /dev/pmem0
Create directory /mnt/nvdimm0 and /mnt/nvdimm1
# mkdir p /mnt/nvdimm0
Mount /dev/pmem0 and /dev/pmem1
# mount t xfs o dax /dev/pmem0 /mnt/nvdimm0
Save the mount point and option so that devices will be mounted on next reboot.
# echo "/dev/pmem0 /mnt/nvdimm0 xfs dax 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
Copy files to /mnt/nvdimm0 and /mnt/nvdimm1, then shutdown.
# echo writing into nvdimm >> /mnt/nvdimm0/write.txt
# shutdown
Interleave Verification
Press Power On button on the server
When the OS is up running,
$ su
Verify contents of /mnt/nvdimm0, and do the same thing for /mnt/nvdimm1
# cat /mnt/nvdimm0
# shutdown
Two mounted devices, /mnt/nvdimm0 and /mnt/nvdimm1 will appear, each size is approximately 96GB, or 6x NVDIMM-Ns.
The files stored on /mnt/nvdimm0 and /mnt/nvdimm1 will persist across reboots.
Read Only Mode NVDIMM-N
Press PowerON button on the server
Follow the guidance in Section 4 to setup BIOS.
Enable the Persistence Memory, enable NVDIMM Interleave, enable NVDIMM Read-Only.
When OS is up and running,
$ su