Users Guide

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Run command below to create namespaces. This command if used as is by default creates /dev/pmem devices. In order to
create namespaces in other modes, refer to the link
This command should be run as many times as the number of NVDIMM-N modules plugged into the system.
$ ndctl create-namespace
For more information on how to use ndctl utility refer to the users guide here
Linux Errata
Following errata effects RHEL 7.6:
Patch to make ndctl utility work can be downloaded from here
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 or later might lose access to the data on NVDIMM-N memory module after updating
from NVDIMM-N firmware version 8860 to 9234 or later. To restore access to the data, in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6
Command-Line Interface, login to root user and run the following commands:
NOTE: Ensure that the RHEL 7.6 create-namespace patch above is installed.
1. ndctl disable-region all
2. ndctl disable-dimm all
3. ndctl zero-labels all
4. ndctl enable-dimm all
ndctl enable-region all
6. Recreate namespaces in the mode previously used (i.e. ndctl create-namespace --mode=devdax --
7. Repeat the create-namespace command above for every NVDIMM-N installed.