Users Guide

You can use the filtering and sorting options to view the Lifecycle Log.
NOTE: As the system events are generated by various systems management tools, you may not view the events in log
immediately after they were logged.
To view the Lifecycle Log history and use the filtering options:
1. Start Lifecycle Controller. For more information, see Starting Lifecycle Controller.
2. In the left pane, click Lifecycle Log.
3. In the right pane, click View Lifecycle Log History.
The following details are displayed:
No. The serial number of the event.
Category The category to which the events belong. The available categories are:
All Events related to all categories are listed.
System Health Events related to the installed hardware such as fan, PSUs, NIC/LOM/CNA link, BIOS errors, and
so on.
Storage Events related to the external or internal storage components such as storage controller, enclosure,
HDDs, and software RAID.
Configuration Events related to the hardware and software changes such as addition or removal of hardware in
the system, configuration changes made using Lifecycle Controller or system management tools.
Audit Events related to a user login, intrusion, licenses, and so on.
Updates Events related to updates or rollback of firmware and drivers.
Work Notes Events logged by you.
These options are available in the Filter by Category drop-down menu. Select the category to filter the
data depending on the category option selected.
Critical Indicates the events that are business-critical.
Informational Indicates the events that are generated only for information purpose.
Message ID Each event is represented with a unique Message ID. For example, SWC0001.
Description A brief description about the event. For example, Dell OS Drivers Pack, v., X14
was detected.
If you initiate configuration jobs using RACADM CLI or iDRAC web interface, the Lifecycle log description
displays the information about the user, interface used, and the IP address of the system from which you initiate the
Date and Time Indicates the date and time when an event occurred.
4. You can also view feature specific logs using the filter option. For viewing logs for specific category (Power Supply, Audit,
Storage, Updates etc), select the required category from the Filter by Category drop down. For further more filtering of
the feature (CPU, Slot number, BIOS etc), you can use Keyword Search option.
Exporting Lifecycle Log
Use the Export Lifecycle Log feature to export the Lifecycle Log information to a compressed file (.gz format) that has log
files in an .xml file. You can save the XML file in a USB drive or on a network share. For more information about the schema, see . Before exporting the Lifecycle Log, make sure that the
following prerequisites are met:
To export the file to a USB drive, make sure that a USB drive is connected to the managed server.
To export the file to a network share (shared folder), set the correct network settings. For more information, see
Configuring Network Settings for a NIC.
As the system events are generated by various systems management tools, you may not view the events in log
immediately after they were logged.
NOTE: The log data is exported to a compressed file (.gz format) only if iDRAC version 1.50.50 or later is installed. Else,
the data is exported as an .xml file.
To export the Lifecycle Log:
1. Start Lifecycle Controller. For more information, see Starting Lifecycle Controller
2. In the left pane, click Lifecycle Log.