Owners Manual

5. Save the settings.
6. Restart your system.
7. Enter System Setup again.
8. On the System Setup Main Menu screen, click System BIOS > System Security Settings.
9. From the Intel TXT option, select On.
System board
A system board (also known as the motherboard) is the main printed circuit board found in systems. The system board allows
communication between many of the crucial electronic components of the system, such as the central processing unit (CPU) and
memory, and also provides connectors for other peripherals. Unlike a backplane, a system board contains a significant number of
subsystems such as the processor, expansion cards, and other components.
Removing the system board
CAUTION: Many repairs may only be done by a certified service technician. You should only perform troubleshooting and
simple repairs as authorized in your product documentation, or as directed by the online or telephone service and
support team. Damage due to servicing that is not authorized by Dell is not covered by your warranty. Read and follow
the safety instructions that are shipped with your product.
NOTE: This is a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU). Removal and installation procedures must be performed only by Dell
certified service technicians.
CAUTION: If you are using the Trusted Program Module (TPM) with an encryption key, you may be prompted to create a
recovery key during program or System Setup. Be sure to create and safely store this recovery key. If you replace this
system board, you must supply the recovery key when you restart your system or program before you can access the
encrypted data on your hard drives.
CAUTION: Do not attempt to remove the TPM plug-in module from the system board. After the TPM plug-in module is
installed, it is cryptographically bound to that specific system board. Any attempt to remove an installed TPM plug-in
module breaks the cryptographic binding, and it cannot be re-installed or installed on another system board.
1. Follow the safety guidelines listed in Safety instructions section.
2. Keep the Phillips #2 screwdriver ready.
3. Follow the procedure listed in Before working inside your system.
4. Remove the following components:
a. cooling shroud
b. memory modules
c. cooling fan cables
d. expansion cards
e. expansion card riser
f. heat sink and processor
g. iDRAC port card, if installed
h. internal dual SD module, if installed
1. Disconnect all cables from the system board.
Take care not to damage the system identification button while removing the system board from the
2. Remove the screws on the system board, and slide the system board toward the front of the chassis.
3. Hold the system board by the touch points and lift it out of the chassis.
To prevent damage to the system board, do not lift the system board by holding a memory module,
processor, or other components; hold the system board by its edges only.
Installing and removing system components 137