API Guide

NOTE: You do not need to restart the web server when enabling or disabling Redfish attribute.
Configuring Redfish service using iDRAC web interface
To enable or disable the Redfish service on iDRAC, perform the following tasks:
1. In the iDRAC web interface, navigate to the following screen:
generation of PowerEdge servers: Overview > iDRAC Settings > Network > Services
generation of PowerEdge servers: iDRAC Settings > Services > Redfish
2. Under Redfish, select Enabled and click Apply to enable the service.
Configuring Redfish service by using iDRAC RACADM
You can enable or disable the Redfish service using the iDRAC attribute iDRAC.Redfish.Enable (Read or Write).
Configuring Redfish service by using WS-MAN
The Redfish attribute iDRAC.Redfish.Enable is modeled under the existing DCIM_iDRACCardEnumeration class. You can
configure the Redfish service using existing methods such as SetAttribute, SetAttributes, and ApplyAttributes of
DCIM_iDRACCardService class.
Redfish schema
The Schemas for the Redfish resources are defined according to the OData Schema representation, which can be directly translated to a
JSON Schema representation.
Redfish authentication and authorization
For certain resources, the Redfish clients may require to authenticate access. Redfish relies on the managed system for the required
credentials and supported forms of authentication. In iDRAC, authentication is based on local credentials and remote protocols such as
Active Directory and LDAP.
NOTE: You must have the required iDRAC license to use Active Directory and LDAP.
Authorization includes both user privilege and license authorization. Redfish support is included in all levels of iDRAC licensing. The
following table details the authentication and authorization required for each Redfish action:
Table 1. Redfish authentication and authorization
Redfish actions Authentication required Authorization required
Read operation on any instrumentation data Yes Yes
Modify instrumentation data Yes Yes
Invoke actions Yes Yes
View service root No No
View metadata document No No
View OData service document No No
View message registry No No
View Redfish version URI No No
View JSONSchemaFile resource URI No No
View JSON schemas URI No No
The Redfish service provides access to Redfish URLs by using the following methods:
Redfish-based systems management