Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 11. Drive erase command options
Options Value range Description
/cx - specifies a controller where X is
the controller index.
/ex - specifies an enclosure where X
is the enclosure device ID.
/sx - specifies a physical drive where
X is the slot number.
simple: Single pass, single pattern write.
normal: Three pass, three pattern write.
thorough: Nine pass, repeats the normal write
three times.
standard: Applicable only for Dell Form Factors.
threepass: Threepass, pass1 random pattern
write, pass 2, 3 write zero, verify.
Secure erase type.
- Applicable only for ISE capable drives.
8-bit value Erase pattern A to overwrite the data.
8-bit value Erase pattern B to overwrite the data.
Input example:
perccli /c0/e25/s1 start erase thorough patternA=10010011 patternB=11110000
Rebuild drives commands
The following commands rebuild drives in the PERC Command Line Tool:
perccli /cx[/ex]/sx pause rebuild
perccli /cx[/ex]/sx resume rebuild
perccli /cx[/ex]/sx show rebuild
perccli /cx[/ex]/sx start rebuild
perccli /cx[/ex]/sx stop rebuild
NOTE: If enclosures are used to connect physical drives to the controller, specify the enclosure ID in the command.
The detailed description for each command follows.
perccli /cx[/ex]/sx pause rebuild
This command pauses an ongoing rebuild process. You can run this command only for a drive that is currently being rebuilt.
Input example:
perccli /c0/s4 pause rebuild
perccli /cx[/ex]/sx resume rebuild
This command resumes a paused rebuild process. You can run this command only when a paused rebuild process for the drive
Input example:
perccli /c0/s4 resume rebuild
perccli /cx[/ex]/sx show rebuild
This command shows the progress of the rebuild process in percentage.
Working with the PERC Command Line Interface Tool