Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 15. Add RAID 0 configuration input options (continued)
Option Value range Description
e:s-x,y is the range of disk slot numbers
plus the disk with a slot number out of the
specified range. If you replace s-x with 0-9,
it will provide 10 RAID 0 virtual disks with
each using one disk.
0 to 15. Specifies the number of physical drives per array.
The default value is automatically chosen.
Creates security-enabled drives.
pdcache on|off|default
Enables or disables PD cache.
Enables protection information.
default: Logical device uses controller
default power-saving policy.
automatic (auto): Logical device power
savings are managed by firmware.
none: No power-saving policy.
maximum (max): Logical device uses
maximum power savings.
(maxnocache): Logical device does not
cache write to maximize power savings.
Specifies the power-saving policy. Sets to default
wt: Write through.
wb: Write back.
Enables write through. Write back is the default.
ra: Read ahead.
nora: No read ahead.
Disables read ahead. Enabled is the default.
cachedbadbbu: Enable bad BBU caching.
nocachedbadbbu: Disable bad BBU
Enables caching when BBU is not
functioning.Disabled is the default.
strip 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
Sets the strip size for the RAID configuration.
Valid virtual drive number. Creates the VD in the adjacent free slot next to
the specified VD.
Number of spare physical drives present. Specifies the physical drives that are to be
assigned to a disk group for spares.
Forces the addition of a security-capable physical
drive to a drive group without security.
Input example:
perccli /c0 add vd type=raid10 size=2gb,3gb,4gb names=tmp1,tmp2,tmp3 drives=252:2-3,5,7
Delete virtual drives commands
The PERC Command Line Tool supports the following virtual drive delete commands:
perccli /cx/vx|vall del
perccli /cx/vx|vall del force
NOTE: If the virtual drive has user data, you must use the force option to delete the virtual drive.
A virtual drive with a valid master boot record (MBR) and a partition table is considered to contain user data.
Working with the PERC Command Line Interface Tool