Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
FWB Force write back even in case of bad BBU
Virtual drive initialization commands
The PERC Command Line Tool supports the following commands to initialize virtual drives:
perccli /cx/vx show init
perccli /cx/vx start init [full][Force]
perccli /cx/vx stop init
NOTE: If the virtual drive has user data, you must use the force option to initialize the virtual drive. A virtual drive with a
valid MBR and partition table is considered to contain user data.
The detailed description for each command follows.
perccli /cx/vx show init
This command shows the initialization progress of a virtual drive in percentage.
Input example:
perccli /c0/v2 show init
perccli /cx/vx start init [full]
This command starts the initialization of a virtual drive. The default initialization type is fast initialization. If the full option is
specified, full initialization of the virtual drive starts.
Input example:
perccli /cx/vx start init [full]
perccli /cx/vx stop init
This command stops the initialization of a virtual drive. A stopped initialization cannot be resumed.
Input example:
perccli /c0/v0 stop init
Virtual drive erase commands
The PERC Command Line Tool supports the following command to erase virtual drives:
perccli /cx/vx erase [force]
This command erases the data on the virtual drive. You can use the force option as a confirmation to erase the data on the
drive and the security information.
Input example:
perccli /cx/vx show erase
perccli /cx/vx stop erase
perccli /cx/vx start erase [simple|normal|thorough|standard][patternA=<val>]
If the virtual drive has user data, you must use the force option to erase the virtual drive. A virtual drive with a
valid MBR and partition table is considered to contain user data.
38 Working with the PERC Command Line Interface Tool