Reference Guide

perccli /cx/vx show
This command shows the summary of the virtual drive information.
Input example:
perccli /c0/v0 show
perccli /cx/vx show all
This command shows all virtual drive information, which includes virtual drive information, physical drives used for the virtual
drives, and virtual drive properties.
Input example:
perccli /c0/v0 show all
Preserved cache commands
If a virtual drive becomes offline or is deleted because of missing physical disks, the controller preserves the dirty cache from
the virtual disk. The PERC Command Line Tool supports the following commands for preserved cache:
perccli /cx/vx delete preservedCache [force]
perccli /cx show preservedCache
The detailed description for each command follows.
perccli /cx/vx delete preservedcache
This command deletes the preserved cache for a particular virtual drive on the controller in missing state. Use the force option
to delete the preserved cache of a virtual drive in offline state.
Input example:
perccli /c0/v1 delete preservedcache
perccli /cx show preservedCache
This command shows the virtual drive that has preserved cache and whether the virtual drive is offline or missing.
Input example:
perccli /c0 show preservedCache
Change virtual drive properties commands
In the following, /cx specifies the controller, where x is the controller index, while /vx specifies the virtual drive,
where x is the virtual drive ID.
The PERC Command Line Tool supports the following commands to change virtual drive properties:
perccli /cx/vx set accesspolicy=RW|RO|Blocked|RmvBlkd
perccli /cx/vx set bootdrive=<on|off>
perccli /cx/vx set cbsize=0|1|2 cbmode=0|1|7
perccli /cx/vx set ds=Default|Auto|None|Max|MaxNoCache
perccli /cx/vx set iopolicy=Cached|Direct
perccli /cx/vx set name=<NameString>
perccli /cx/vx set pdcache=On|Off|Default
perccli /cx/vx set pi=Off
perccli /cx/vx set rdcache=RA|NoRA
perccli /cx/vx set wrcache=WT|WB|FWB
The detailed description for each command follows.
Working with the PERC Command Line Interface Tool