Reference Guide

OPROM BIOS commands
The PERC Command Line Tool supports the following OPROM BIOS commands:
perccli /cx[/ex]/sx set bootdrive=on|off
perccli /cx/vx set bootdrive=on|off
perccli /cx show bootdrive
The detailed description for each command follows.
perccli /cx[/ex]/sx set bootdrive=on|off
This command sets the specified physical drive as the boot drive. During the next reboot, the BIOS looks for a boot sector in the
specified physical drive. The eHBA mode supports setting a Non-RAID disk as a boot drive.
Input example:
perccli /c0[/e32]/s4 set bootdrive=on
perccli /cx/vx set bootdrive=on|off
This command sets the specified virtual drive as the boot drive. During the next reboot, the BIOS looks for a boot sector in the
specified virtual drive.
Input example:
perccli /c0/v0 set bootdrive=on
perccli/cx/vx show bootdrive
This command shows the boot drive for the controller. The boot drive can be a physical drive or a virtual drive. The existing
configured boot drives will be displayed.
Input example:
perccli /c0/v0 show bootdrive
Drive group commands
This section describes the drive group commands.
Drive group show
The PERC Command Line Tool supports the following drive group commands:
perccli /cx/dx show
perccli /cx/dx show all
perccli /cx/dall show mirror
perccli /cx/dall split mirror
perccli /cx/dall add mirror src=<val> [force]
perccli /cx/dx set security=on
In the following, /cx specifies the controller where x is the controller index, while the value /dx specifies the disk
group where x is the disk group index.
perccli /cx/dx show
This command shows the topology information of the drive group.
Input example:
Working with the PERC Command Line Interface Tool