Reference Guide

perccli /c0/dall show
perccli /cx/dall show mirror
This command displays information about the mirror associated with drive group.
Input example:
perccli /c0/dall show mirror
perccli /cx/dall split mirror
This command splits apart the mirror virtual drives.
Input example:
perccli /c0/dall split mirror
perccli /cx/dall add mirror src=<val> [force]
This command joins the virtual drive with its mirror.
Input example:
perccli /c0/dall add mirror src=<2>
Options for <val>:
0 Data will be copied from existing virtual drive to drives.
1 Data will be copied from drives to virtual drive.
2 Broken mirror is imported as a new virtual drive.
perccli /cx/dx set security=on
This command enables security on the specified drive group.
Input example:
perccli /c0/d0 set security=on
perccli /cx/dx show all
This command shows physical and virtual drive information for the disk group.
Input example:
perccli /c0/dall show all
BBU commands
The PERC Command Line Tool supports the following battery backup unit (BBU) commands:
perccli /cx/bbu set [learnDelayInterval=<val>|bbuMode=<val>|learnStartTime=[DDDHH|off]|
perccli /cx/bbu show
perccli /cx/bbu show all
perccli /cx/bbu show learn
perccli /cx/bbu show properties
perccli /cx/bbu show status
perccli /cx/bbu start learn
In the following, /cx specifies a controller where x is the controller index, and /bbu signifies a battery backup unit.
The detailed description for each command follows:
Working with the PERC Command Line Interface Tool