Reference Guide

Enclosure commands
The PERC Command Line Tool supports the following enclosure commands:
perccli /cx/ex show
perccli /cx/ex show all
perccli /cx/ex show phyerrorcounters
perccli /cx/ex show status
The detailed description for each command follows.
perccli /cx/ex show
Input example:
perccli /c1/e1 show
perccli /cx/ex show all
This command shows the status of each model in the enclosure.
Input example:
perccli /c0/e0 show all
perccli /cx /ex show phyerrorcounters
Input example:
perccli /c0 /e0 show phyerrorcounters
perccli /cx/ex show status [extended]
This command shows the enclosure status and the status of all the enclosure elements.
Input example:
perccli /c0/e0 show status
PHY commands
The PERC Command Line Tool supports the following PHY commands:
perccli /cx/px|pall set linkspeed=0(auto)|1.5|3|6|12
perccli /cx/px|pall show
perccli /cx/px|pall show all
The detailed description for each command follows.
perccli /cx/px|pall set linkspeed=0(auto)|1.5|3|6|12
This command sets the PHY link speed. You can set the speed to 1.5 Gb/s, 3 Gb/s, 6 Gb/s, or 12 Gb/s. The linkspeed is set to
auto when you specify linkspeed = 0.
Input example:
perccli /c0/p0 set linkspeed=1.5
Working with the PERC Command Line Interface Tool