Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Convert to Non-RAID disk
To assign a disk from the HII Configuration Utility, perform the following steps:
1. Enter the Dell PERC 10 Configuration Utility. See Navigating to Dell PERC 10 configuration utility.
2. Click Main Menu > Physical Disk Management.
The list of physical disks appears.
3. Select the physical disk.
4. From the Operations drop-down menu, select Convert to Non-Raid disk.
5. Click Go.
A screen appears asking if you are sure you want to perform the operation.
6. Select the Confirm option.
7. Click Yes.
The disk is created successfully.
Hardware components
Viewing battery properties
1. Enter the Dell PERC 10 Configuration Utility. See Navigating to Dell PERC 10 configuration utility.
2. Click Main Menu > Hardware Components > Battery Management.
The battery and capacity information are displayed.
3. You can view the following properties of the battery:
Table 15. Battery properties
Field Description
Type Displays the type of battery available.
Status Displays the current status of the battery.
Temperature Displays the current temperature of the battery and also indicates whether the
temperature is normal or high.
Charge Displays the available charge of the battery in percentage.
4. Displays click Advanced....
The additional advanced properties of the physical battery are displayed.
5. You can view the following advanced properties of the battery:
Table 16. Advanced battery properties
Field Description
Status Displays whether the current status of the battery is learning, degraded, or failed.
Voltage Displays whether the voltage status of the battery is normal or high.
Current Displays power consumption of the battery in milliamps (mA).
Full capacity Displays the maximum charge capacity of the battery.
Remaining capacity Displays the current charge capacity of the battery.
Expected margin of error Displays expected margin of error.
Completed discharge cycles Displays the completed discharge cycles.
Learn mode Displays the condition of the battery. The learn cycle is a periodic operation that
calculates the charge that is remaining in the battery to ensure there is sufficient
70 HII configuration utility