Users Guide

Discovery error message
Error Message:
A discovery error has occurred, please power cycle the system and all the
enclosures attached to this system.
Probable Cause: This message indicates that discovery did not complete within 120 seconds. The SAS cables for your
system might be improperly connected.
Check the cable connections and fix any problems. Restart the system.
Drive Configuration Changes Error Message
Error Message:
Entering the configuration utility in this state will result in drive
configuration changes. Press 'Y' to continue loading the configuration
utility or please power off your system and check your cables to ensure all
disks are present and reboot.
Probable Cause: The message is displayed after another HII warning indicating there are problems with previously
configured disks and you have chosen to accept any changes and continue. The SAS cables for your
system might be improperly connected.
Check the cable connections and fix any problems before restarting the system. If there are no cable
problems, press any key or <Y> to continue.
Windows operating system installation errors
Ensure that you perform the following step before installing Windows on 4 KB sector drives:
1. Read and understand the updates to the version of Windows that you have installed. You can find this information in the
Microsoft help. For more information, see Microsoft support policy for 4 K sector hard drives in Windows.
Firmware fault state error message
Error Message:
Firmware is in Fault State.
Contact Global Technical Support.
Extra enclosure error message
Error Message:
There are X enclosures connected to connector Y, but only maximum of 4
enclosures can be connected to a single SAS connector. Please remove the
extra enclosures then restart your system.
Probable Cause: This message is displayed when the HII detects more than four enclosures connected to a single SAS
You must remove all additional enclosures and restart your system.
76 Troubleshooting