CLI Guide

RAC1234: Recovery operation initiated successfully. Check the Lifecycle logs for the status of the operation by
running RACADM command "racadm lclog view".
Table 78. Details of remoteimage
Description Connects, disconnects, or deploys a media file on a remote server.
To run this subcommand, you must log in with virtual media privilege for iDRAC.
racadm remoteimage -d
racadm remoteimage -s
racadm remoteimage -c [-u <username> -p <password> -l <image_path>]
-c—Connect the image.
-d—Disconnect image.
-u—User name to access shared folder.
-p—Password to access shared folder.
-l —Image location on the network share; use single quotation marks around the location.
-s —Display current status.
NOTE: Use a forward slash (/) when providing the image location. If backward slash (\) is used,
override the backward slash for the command to run successfully.
For example:
racadm remoteimage -c -u user -p xxx -l /\/\\CommonShare/
NOTE: The following options only apply to connect and deploy actions
-u —Username.
User name to access the network share. For domain users, you can use the following formats:
-p —Password to access the network share.
Disable Remote File Sharing.
racadm remoteimage -d
Disable Remote File Started. Please check status using -s option to know
Remote File Share is ENABLED or DISABLED.
Check Remote File Share status.
racadm remoteimage -s
Remote File Share is Enabled
ShareName //192.168.0/xxxx/dtk_3.3_73_Linux.iso
Deploy a remote image on iDRAC CIFS Share.
racadm remoteimage -c -u admin -p xxx -l //
102 RACADM Subcommand Details