Release Notes

Resolved Issues 19
Issue ID Functional Area Description
MDT-259223 Install or Upgrade Upgrade from PowerStore 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 failed because of hung commands. This
can happen after an unsuccessful attempt to add or remove an appliance and
some commands did not complete and remained on the system. When an
upgrade is initiated on the system, it will wait for all running commands to
complete to start the upgrade. Since these commands are hung, upgrade will fail
after waiting for 30 minutes.
MDT-236192 Internal Migration Internal migration of imported volumes from a remote system using the non-
disruptive import variant does not redirect a host application running on either
Linux/Windows or VMware to the associated PowerStore volumes.
MDT-143768 Internal Migration When migration is occurring on a volume, the Mapped Volumes tab of the
hosts/host groups that are attached to the migration source volume might show
some additional volumes. The migration uses these additional volumes, which are
internally created. These additional volumes are deleted when the migration
MDT-145764 Internal Migration During migration the temporary volumes that are created during migration are
calculated into the vVol capacity metrics. The temporary volumes should not be
included in the calculation.
MDT-143749 Internal Migration On the Internal Migration > Migrations tab in PowerStore Manager, you may see
incorrect results when you try filtering results based on matching strings in the
Storage Resource column.
MDT-231942 Data Collection Inaccurate data logging related to expansion enclosure connection status.
MDT-247636 Data Collection Data collection fails and the data collected daily is not being sent to CloudIQ.
MDT-257551 Data Collection Appliance metrics data uploaded to CloudIQ are occasionally duplicated.
MDT-257727 Data Collection Deltas of configuration and metrics can be sent in too close succession due to
timing issues, causing confusion on CloudIQ side as packages are processed out of
MDT-233577 Data Collection Inaccurate data logging related to expansion enclosure connection status.
MDT-217411 Data Collection Data collection cannot complete while the replication database is in read-only
MDT-237832 Data Collection In certain cases, the system was permitting two data collections to run at a time,
causing a failure.
MDT-247214 Data Collection Unable to collect data because a file changed in the process of being added to the
tar file. Tar file returns an error code of 1.
MDT-263836 Data Collection On systems that generate large amounts of metrics information, the metrics
provided by support metrics are too large for the script to process.