Release Notes

Known Issues 37
Issue ID
Description Workaround/Resolution
MDT-156507 Virtualization In high scale VMware vSphere
environments, where the ESXi hosts and
vCenter server are highly loaded (for
example, simultaneous powering on a
large number of VMs), heartbeat
messages sent by the ESXi hosts to the
vCenter server may not be delivered in
time. When the heartbeat is not received
in the 60-second timeout interval, the
host is considered as not responding, and
the host is marked as disconnected. This
may result in the vSphere High Availability
(HA) to trigger VM migrations to other
hosts in the cluster.
In vCenter server, increase the heartbeat
timeout interval to 120 seconds. See
VMware knowledge base article 1005757:
ESXi host disconnects intermittently from
vCenter Server.”
In case some VMs appear as invalid or
orphaned as a result of the ESXi host
disconnect, see the VMware knowledge
base article 1003742: “Virtual machines
appear as invalid or orphaned in vCenter
Server.” for instructions on recovering the
MDT-146763 Virtualization During a vMotion process, some vVols are
deleted. If the VASA provider becomes
unavailable during a storage vMotion
operation, the deletion of the vVols fails.
These vVols are left orphaned and may
appear as duplicates.
Delete the orphaned vVols using PowerStore
MDT-151804 Virtualization In a PowerStore cluster with multiple
VMFS datastores that are mapped to
multiple hosts, a performance impact
might occur if several VMs are powered
off or powered on simultaneously.
Refer to the Dell knowledge base article
000320477: Best practices for VMFS
datastores for Bootstorm or Failover with
VMware SRM” for additional details.
MDT-152993 Virtualization A periodic, automatic cleanup process on
vSphere that is performed randomly
(every few days) deletes empty config
vVols (directories). However, this process
also deletes the ISOs folder that is pre-
created by PowerStore in case you have
not placed any ISO images into the folder.
Recreate the ISOs folder using the following
PowerStore CLI command:
pstcli -service storage_container -id <id
where to create the folder> create_directory
-size 100G -name ISOs
By default PowerStore creates a 500 GB
folder, but you can specify another size if
MDT-269239 Virtualization VMware vSphere 7.0 supports SCSI-3
Persistent Reservations (SCSI3-PRs) on a
virtual disk (VMDK) level. Support for SCSI-
3 PRs enables configurations of a
Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC)
across ESXi hosts with clustered VMDKs as
shared disk resources. However, this
feature is not currently supported by