Setup Guide

To configure the native multipathing, using Microsoft Multipath I/O (MPIO), you should perform the following task:
Enabling MPIO on the Windows Host and Configuring MPIO for PowerStore Volumes Presented to the Host
Enabling MPIO on the Windows Host and Configuring MPIO for PowerStore
Volumes Presented to the Host
This topic describes enabling and configuring MPIO on the Windows host.
About this task
Before configuring the native multipathing, you should enable MPIO on the server by adding the MPIO feature to Windows.
1. Open PowerShell on the host.
2. Run the following commands to install MPIO if it is not already installed:
Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName MultiPathIO
Enable-WindowsOPtionalFeature -Online -FeatureName MultiPathIO
3. Run the following command to set vid/pid:
New-MSDSMSupportedHW -VendorId DellEMC -ProductId PowerStore
4. Run one of the following commands to set RoundRobin failover policy or Least Queue Depth failover policy, respectively:
Set-MSDSMGlobalDefaultLoadBalancePolicy -Policy RR
Least Queue Depth
Set-MSDSMGlobalDefaultLoadBalancePolicy -Policy LQD
5. Run the following commands to set MPIO timeout values:
Set-MPIOSetting -NewPathVerificationState Enabled
Set-MPIOSetting -NewPathVerificationPeriod 30
Set-MPIOSetting -NewPDORemovePeriod 20
Set-MPIOSetting -NewRetryCount 3
Set-MPIOSetting -NewRetryInterval 3
Set-MPIOSetting -custompathrecovery enabled
Set-MPIOSetting -newpathrecoveryinterval 10
Set-MPIOSetting -NewDiskTimeout 30
6. To verify MPIO settings on the host, run the following command:
Post-Configuration Steps - Using the PowerStore
This topic describes the post-configuration steps using the PowerStore system.
After the host configuration is completed, you can use the PowerStore storage from the host.
You can create, present, and manage volumes accessed from the host via PowerStore Manager, CLI, or REST API. Refer to the
PowerStore Manager Online Help, CLI Reference Guide, or REST API Reference Guide for additional information.
Host Configuration for Microsoft Windows