Users Guide

616 Monitoring Switch Traffic
Viewing Statistics
Use the following commands in Privileged Exec mode to view statistics about
the traffic handled by the switch.
rmon collection history
index [owner
ownername] [buckets
[interval seconds]
Enable an RMON MIB history statistics group on the
NOTE: You must configure RMON alarms and events before
RMON collection history is able to display.
index — The requested statistics index group. (Range: 1–
ownername — Records the RMON statistics group owner
name. If unspecified, the name is an empty string.
bucket-number — A value associated with the number of
buckets specified for the RMON collection history group
of statistics. If unspecified, defaults to 50.
(Range: 1 - 65535)
seconds — The number of seconds in each polling cycle.
If unspecified, defaults to 1800. (Range: 1–3600)
CTRL + Z Exit to Privileged Exec mode.
show rmon {alarms
|collection history |
events | history | log |
View information collected by the RMON probe.
Command Purpose
show interfaces counters
[errors] [{interface |
Display the error counters or number of octets and packets
handled by all interfaces or the specified interface.
show statistics
{switchport | interface}
Display detailed statistics for a specific port or LAG, or for
the entire switch. The interface variable includes the
interface type and number.
show interfaces
utilization [interface-id]
Display the TX and RX link utilization (frame rate and bits
per second).
Command Purpose