Users Guide

Security Commands 1054
user password
Use the user password command to create a local user or change the password
for an existing user.
user user-id password {password | encrypted enc-password}
user-id User ID (Range: 1–128).
password User password (Range: 8–64 characters).
enc-password User password in encrypted form.
Default Configuration
There are no users configured by default.
Command Mode
Captive Portal Configuration mode.
User Guidelines
There are no user guidelines for this command.
console(config-cp)#user 1 password
Enter password (8 to 64 characters): ********
Re-enter password: ********
user session-timeout
Use the user session-timeout command to set the session timeout value for a
captive portal user. Use the no form of this command to reset the session
timeout to the default.
user user-id session-timeout timeout
no user user-id session-timeout
user-id User ID (Range: 1–128).