Users Guide

Layer 3 Routing Commands 1382
Default Configuration
There is no default configuration for this command.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec mode, Global Configuration mode and all Configuration sub-
User Guidelines
The update send history table show statistics on as many as the fifteen most
recent executions of the update send process for the update group. Items in
the history table are as follows:
The following information is displayed.
Fields Description
Version The update version.
Delta T The amount of time elapsed since the update send
process executed. hours::minutes::seconds.
Duration How long the update send process took, in milliseconds
UPD Built The number of UPDATE messages built.
UPD Sent The number of UPDATE messages successfully
transmitted to group members. Normally a copy of each
UPDATE message built is sent to each group member.
Paths Sent The number of paths advertised.
Pfxs Adv The number of prefixes advertised.
Pfxs Wd The number of prefixes withdrawn.
Fields Description
Update Group ID Unique identifier for outbound update group.
Peer Type Whether peers in this update group are internal or
Minimum Advertisement
The minimum time, in seconds, between sets of
UPDATE messages sent to the group.