Users Guide

Layer 3 Routing Commands 1441
AS path access list 2
deny _200_
deny ^200$
show ip community-list
This command displays the contents of AS path access lists.
show ip community-list [community-list-name | detail [community-list-
community-list-name—(Optional) A standard community list name. This
option limits the output to a single community.
detail—Display detailed community list information
Default Configuration
No match criteria are configured by default.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec mode, Global Configuration mode and all sub-modes.
User Guidelines
There are no user guidelines for this command.
Command History
Introduced in version firmware.
console#show ip community-list
Standard community list buzz
permit 100:200
permit 100:300
permit 100:400
Standard community list woody
permit 200:1
permit 200:2
permit 200:3