Users Guide

Switch Management Commands 1923
Example – Downloading and applying ias users file
console#copy tftp:// ias-users
Transfer Mode.................................. TFTP
Server IP Address..............................
File Path...................................... ./
File Name...................................... aaa_users.txt
Data Type...................................... IAS Users
Management access will be blocked for the duration of the transfer
Are you sure you want to start? (y/n) y
File transfer operation completed successfully.
Validating and updating the users to the IAS users database.
Updated IAS users database successfully.
Example – Script Download
console#copy tftp:// script maxacl.scr
Example – USB copy operations
console#copy usb:/start-config startup-config
console#copy operational-log usb://olog.txt
console#copy usb://backup-config.txt backup-config
console#copy active usb://image1.stk
console#copy flash://crashlogs/crash.0 usb://crash.0
Example – Crash Log
This example copies the most recent crash log from stack unit 5 to the TFTP
server located at The crash dump is transferred to the TFTP server
into subdirectory ~/jcm and is named crashlog.txt
console#copy core-dump 0 unit 5 tftp://
Example – Application Install
Install a single application file named hiveagent_pr_s into the user-apps
console#copy tftp:// application
Install an application package:
On the source device (a Linux workstation is shown here), perform the
following steps (aggregates hiveagent_pr hiveagent_pr_s into a compressed
tar ball ha.tgz):