Users Guide

Switch Management Commands 1962
Options 19, 20, 27, 29, 30, 31, 34, 36, and 39 only accept hex 00 or hex 01
console(config-dhcp-pool)#option 4 ascii “ “
console(config-dhcp-pool)#option 42 ip
console(config-dhcp-pool)#option 29 hex 01
console(config-dhcp-pool)#option 59 hex 00 00 10 01
console(config-dhcp-pool)#option 25 hex 01 ff
48 (X-Windows Font
49 (X-Windows Display
58 (Renewal Time T1) 4
59 (Rebinding Time T2) 4
60 (Vendor Class) 1
64 (NIS Domain) 1
65 (NIS Servers) 4 4
66 (TFTP Server) 1
68 (Mobile IP Home
69 (SMTP Server) 4 4
70 (POP3 Server) 4 4
71 (NNTP Server) 4 4
72 (WWW Server) 4 4
73 (Finger Server) 4 4
74 (IRC Server) 4 4
75 (Streettalk Server) 4 4
76 (STDA Server) 4 4
Table 8-1. Option Codes and Lengths (continued)
Option Code Fixed Length Minimum Length Multiple Of