Users Guide

Switch Management Commands 2055
RMON Commands
The Dell EMC Networking SNMP component includes an RMON (remote
monitoring) agent. RMON is a base technology used by network
management applications to manage a network. Troubleshooting and
network planning can be accomplished through the network management
applications. The network monitor monitors traffic on a network and records
selected portions of the network traffic and statistics. The collected traffic
and statistics are retrieved using SNMP. The data collected is defined in the
RMON MIB, RFC 2819. A device that supports gathering and reporting the
RMON data is referred to as an RMON probe or RMON Agent. An RMON
probe provides RMON data to an RMON Manager for analysis and
presentation to the user. An RMON probe may be embedded in an existing
network device or stand-alone.
Commands in this Section
This section explains the following commands:
rmon alarm
Use the rmon alarm command in Global Configuration mode to configure
alarm conditions. To remove an alarm, use the no form of this command. See
also the related
show rmon alarm
rmon alarm number variable interval {delta | absolute} rising-threshold
value [event-number] falling-threshold value [event-number] [owner string]
[startup direction]
rmon alarm show rmon collection history
rmon collection history show rmon events
rmon event show rmon hcalarm
rmon hcalarm show rmon history
show rmon alarm show rmon log
show rmon alarms show rmon statistics