Users Guide

Switch Management Commands 2057
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following example configures the following alarm conditions:
Alarm index — 1
Variable identifier —
Sample interval — 10 seconds
Rising threshold — 500000
Falling threshold — 10
Rising threshold event index — 1
Falling threshold event index — 1
console(config)#rmon alarm 1 10 50000 10 1 1
rmon collection history
Use the rmon collection history command in Interface Configuration mode
to enable a Remote Monitoring (RMON) MIB history statistics group on an
interface. To remove a specified RMON history statistics group, use the no
form of this command. Also see the
show rmon collection history
rmon collection history index [owner ownername] [buckets bucket-number]
[interval seconds]
no rmon collection history index
index — The requested statistics index group. (Range: 1–65535)
owner ownername — Records the RMON statistics group owner name.
If unspecified, the name is an empty string.
buckets bucket-number — A value associated with the number of
buckets specified for the RMON collection history group of statistics. If
unspecified, defaults to 50. (Range: 1 - 65535)
interval seconds — The number of seconds in each polling cycle. If
unspecified, defaults to 1800. (Range: 1–3600)