Users Guide

Using the CLI 262
DMA pool size: 16777216
PCI unit 0: Dev 0xb842, Rev 0x02, Chip BCM56842_A1, Driver BCM56840_B0
SOC unit 0 attached to PCI device BCM56842_A1
hpc - No stack ports. Starting in stand-alone mode.
<186> Jul 12 02:40:46 General[63446620]: bootos.c(179) 11 %%
Event(0xaaaaaaaa) started!
(Unit 1 - Waiting to select management unit)>
Applying Global configuration, please wait ...
Welcome to Dell Easy Setup Wizard
The setup wizard guides you through the initial switch configuration, and
gets you up and running as quickly as possible. You can skip the setup
wizard, and enter CLI mode to manually configure the switch. You must
respond to the next question to run the setup wizard within 60 seconds,
otherwise the system will continue with normal operation using the default
system configuration. Note: You can exit the setup wizard at any point
by entering [ctrl+z].
Would you like to run the setup wizard (you must answer this question within
60 seconds)? [Y/N] n
Thank you for using the Dell Easy Setup Wizard. You will now enter CLI mode.
Applying Interface configuration, please wait ...
Booting without a Startup Configuration
When the system boots without a startup configuration (which is not the
same as an empty startup-config) and no EULA Accept file exists on the stack
master, the following prompt occurs:
(Unit 1 - Waiting to select management unit)>
Applying Global configuration, please wait...
SupportAssist EULA
I accept the terms of the license agreement. You can reject the license
agreement by configuring this command 'eula-consent support-assist reject’.
By installing SupportAssist, you allow Dell to save your contact
information(e.g. name, phone number and/or email address) which would be used
to provide technical support for your Dell products and services. Dell may
use the information for providing recommendations to improve your IT
infrastructure. SupportAssist also collects and stores machine diagnostic
information, which may include but is not limited to configuration
information, user supplied contact information, names of data volumes, IP
addresses, access control lists, diagnostics & performance information,
network configuration information, host/server configuration& performance