Users Guide

Layer 2 Switching Commands 509
Specifying “host X::X” implies a prefix length as “/128” and a mask of
[{range {portkey | startport} {portkey | endport} | {eq | neq | lt | gt}
{portkey | 0-65535}]—Specifies the layer 4 destination or source port
match condition for the IP/TCP/UDP ACL rule. A source or destination
port number, which ranges from 0-65535, can be entered, or a portkey,
which can be one of the following keywords: bgp, domain, echo, ftp, ftp-
data, http, ntp, pop2, pop3, rip, smtp, snmp, telnet, tftp, telnet, time, who
and www. Each of these keywords translates into its equivalent destination
port number.
When “range” is specified, IPv6 ACL rule matches only if the layer 4
port number falls within the specified port range. The startport and
endport parameters identify the first and last ports that are part of the
port range. They have values from 0 to 65535. The ending port must
have a value equal or greater than the starting port. The starting port,
ending port, and all ports in between will be part of the layer 4 port
When “eq” is specified, IPv6 ACL rule matches only if the layer 4 port
number is equal to the specified port number or portkey.
When “lt” is specified, IPv6 ACL rule matches if the layer 4
destination port number is less than the specified port number or
portkey. It is equivalent to specifying the range as 0 to <specified port
number – 1>.
When “gt” is specified, IPv6 ACL rule matches if the layer 4
destination port number is greater than the specified port number or
portkey. It is equivalent to specifying the range as <specified port
number + 1> to 65535.
When “neq” is specified, IPv6 ACL rule matches only if the layer 4
destination port number is not equal to the specified port number or
IPv6 TCP port names: bgp, domain, echo, ftp, ftp-data, http, smtp,
telnet, www, pop2, pop3
IPv6 UDP port names: domain, echo, ntp, rip, snmp, time, who
destination-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host destination-ipv6-
address—Specifies a destination IP address and netmask for match
condition of the IP ACL rule.