Users Guide

Layer 2 Switching Commands 593
peer-keepalive destination ipaddress source srcaddr [udp-port port]
no peer-keepalive destination
ipaddress—The ip address of the MLAG peer.
port—The UDP port number to use to listen for peer Dual Control Plane
Detection Protocol packets.
srcaddr—The local source address to use.
Default Configuration
There are no Dual Control Plane Detection Protocol peers configured by
Command Modes
MLAG Domain Configuration mode
User Guidelines
Changes to the DCPDP configuration do not take effect until the protocol is
disabled and then re-enabled. Both the local switch and the MLAG peer
switch must be configured identically. The recommended procedure to
update these parameters is to disable the DCPDP protocol on both switches,
configure the new parameters on both switches, and then re-enable the
DCPDP protocol on both switches.
The Dual Control Plane Detection Protocol is a UDP-based protocol. The
administrator must configure this protocol on an IP interface with a VLAN
that is not shared with any of the MLAG interfaces. This can include the out-
of-band port. When enabled, the dual-control plane detection protocol sends
a control plane detection message to the peer once every second. The
message is unidirectional and contains the sender’s MAC address. When a
switch receives a control plane detection message it sets the ‘peer is UP’
variable to TRUE to indicate that a peer is detected.
Do not configure DCPDP to use a port reserved by the switch. UDP, TCP and
RAW ports reserved by the switch and unavailable for use or configuration
Ports 1, 17, 58, 255, 546, 547, 2222, 4567, 6343, 49160