Users Guide

Security Commands 889
interface-id—The interface.
all—All interfaces.
Default Configuration
There is no default configuration for this command.
Command Modes
Privileged Exec mode
User Guidelines
console(config)# clear authentication authentication-history Gi1/0/1
enable password
Use the enable password command in Global Configuration mode to set a
local password to control access to the privileged Exec mode. To remove the
password requirement, use the no form of this command.
enable password password [encrypted]
no enable password
password — Password for this level (Range: 8- 64 characters). The special
characters allowed in the password include ! # $ % & ‘ " ( ) * + , - .
/ : ; < = > @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~. User names can contain blanks
if the name is surrounded by double quotes. To use the ! character as part
of the username or password string, it should be enclosed within quotation
marks. For example, username “test!xyz” password “test!xyz”.
encrypted — Encrypted password entered, copied from another switch
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.