Administrator Guide

Layer 3 Routing Commands 1577
Command Mode
Privileged Exec, Global Configuration mode and all Configuration submodes
User Guidelines
The following parameters are displayed by this command:
console#show ipv6 mld host-proxy groups
Interface................................ vlan 10
Group Address Last Reporter Up Time Member State Filter Mode
------------- ---------------- --------- ----------------- ------------- ---
FF1E::1 FE80::100:2.3 244 DELAY_MEMBER Exclude 2
Group Source List Expiry Time
------------------ ---------------
Field Description
Interface The interface number of the MLD-Proxy.
Group Address The IP address of the multicast group.
Last Reporter The IP address of the host that last sent a membership report for
the current group on the network attached to the MLD Proxy
interface (upstream interface).
Up Time (in
The time elapsed in seconds since last created.
Member State Possible values are:
Idle_Member The interface has responded to the latest group
membership query for this group.
Delay_Member The interface is going to send a group
membership report to respond to a group membership query for
this group.
Filter Mode Possible values are Include or Exclude.
Sources The number of sources attached to the multicast group.
Group Source
The list of IP addresses of the sources attached to the multicast
Expiry Time The time left for a source to get deleted.