Administrator Guide

Switch Management Commands 1874
Default Configuration
There is no description by default.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration mode
User Guidelines
This command is intended to give the administrator an easy way to remember
which macros have been applied to an interface. All text up to the new line is
included in the description. The line is appended to the interface description.
show parser macro
Use the show parser macro command to display information about defined
show parser macro [brief | description [interface interface-id] | name macro
brief—Shows the list of defined macros and their type.
description—Shows the macro descriptions.
name—Shows an individual macro, including its contents.
macro—The name of the macro to display.
interface-id—The interface for which to show the macro description.
Default Configuration
No parameters are substituted unless supplied on the command line.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec mode, Global Configuration mode and all Configuration
User Guidelines
There are no user guidelines for this command.