Administrator Guide

Switch Management Commands 1958
Use the prefix-delegation command in IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration mode
to define multiple IPv6 prefixes within a pool for distributing to specific
DHCPv6 Prefix delegation clients.
prefix-delegation ipv6-prefix/prefix-length client-DUID [name hostname]
[valid-lifetime {valid-lifetime | infinite}] [preferred-lifetime {preferred-
lifetime | infinite}]
no prefix-delegation ipv6-prefix/prefix-length
prefix/prefix-length—Delegated IPv6 prefix.
client-DUID—Client DUID (e.g. 00:01:00:09:f8:79:4e:00:04:76:73:43:76').
hostname—Client hostname used for logging and tracing. (Range: 0-31
characters.) The command allows spaces in the host name when specified
in double quotes. For example,
console(config)#snmp-server host “host
is allowed.
valid-lifetime—Valid lifetime for delegated prefix. (Range: 0-4294967295
seconds) or use the keyword infinite. Using the value 0 for the valid-
lifetime sets the value to the default.
preferred-lifetime—Preferred lifetime for delegated prefix. (Range: 0-
4294967295 seconds) or use the keyword infinite. Using the value 0 for the
preferred-lifetime sets the value to the default.
Default Configuration
604800 seconds (30 days) is the default value for preferred-lifetime. 2592000
seconds (7 days) is the default value for valid-lifetime.
Command Mode
IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration mode
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.