Administrator Guide

Using the CLI 261
Boot Menu Rev: 6.0
Operational Code -- Boot Main Menu
1 - Start Operational Code
2 - Select Baud Rate
3 - Retrieve Logs
4 - Load New Operational Code
5 - Display Operational Code Details
9 - Reboot
10 - Restore Configuration to Factory Defaults
11 - Activate Backup Image
12 - Start Password Recovery
Enter Choice# 11
Current Active Image# /dev/mtd7
Checking for valid back-up image at /dev/mtd6...done.
Activating Back-Up Image /dev/mtd6...done.
Code Update Instructions Found!
Back-Up Image on /dev/mtd6 Activated -- System Reboot Recommended!
Reboot? (Y/N):
Enter Choice# 12
Starting Operational Code for Password Recovery...
active = /dev/mtd6
Extracting Operational Code from .stk file...done.
Loading Operational Code...done.
Decompressing Operational Code...done.
Uncompressing apps.lzma
SyncDB Running...
DMA pool size: 16777216
PCI unit 0: Dev 0xb842, Rev 0x02, Chip BCM56842_A1, Driver BCM56840_B0
SOC unit 0 attached to PCI device BCM56842_A1
hpc - No stack ports. Starting in stand-alone mode.
<186> Jul 12 02:40:46 General[63446620]: bootos.c(179) 11 %%
Event(0xaaaaaaaa) started!
(Unit 1 - Waiting to select management unit)>
Applying Global configuration, please wait ...
Welcome to Dell Easy Setup Wizard
The setup wizard guides you through the initial switch configuration, and
gets you up and running as quickly as possible. You can skip the setup