Users Guide

Security Commands 1048
User Guidelines
The hostname parameter may be a fully or partially qualified domain name. A
hostname consists of a series of labels separated by periods. Each label may be
a maximum of 63 characters in length. The maximum length of the
hostname parameter is 256 characters. Refer to RFC 1035 Section 2.3.1 for
more information.
The following fields are displayed for accounting servers:
Field Description
Accounting Server
Name of the accounting server.
Server Host
IP address of the host.
Round Trip Time The time interval, in hundredths of a second, between the most
recent Accounting Response and the Accounting Request that
matched it from this RADIUS accounting server.
Requests The number of RADIUS Accounting Request packets sent to this
server not including the retransmissions.
Retransmissions The number of RADIUS Accounting Request packets
retransmitted to this RADIUS accounting server.
Responses The number of RADIUS packets received on the accounting port
from this server.
The number of malformed RADIUS Accounting Response
packets received from this server. Malformed packets include
packets with an invalid length. Bad authenticators or signature
attributes or unknown types are not included as malformed
accounting responses.
The number of RADIUS Accounting Response packets
containing invalid authenticators received from this accounting
Pending Requests The number of RADIUS Accounting Request packets destined
for this server that have not yet timed out or received a response.
Timeouts The number of accounting timeouts on this server.