Users Guide

Data Center Technology Commands 1213
Flow Insertion Count.....................1
Flow Deletion Count......................0
Insertion Failure Count..................0
Flow Table Description:
The forwarding database maps non-multicast MAC addresses and the ports on
which these addresses are located.
This example shows the output for OpenFlow 1.3 using the switch tables
console#show openflow switch tables
Flow Table..................................... 60
Flow Table Name................................ Openflow 1.3
Maximum Size................................... 1920
Number of Entries.............................. 0
Hardware Entries............................... 0
Software-Only Entries.......................... 0
Waiting for Space Entries...................... 0
Flow Insertion Count........................... 0
Flow Deletion Count............................ 0
Insertion Failure Count........................ 0
Flow Table Description......................... The Openflow 1.3 table
matches on the packet layer-2 header, including DA-MAC, SA-MAC, VLAN, Vlan
priority ether type; layer-3 header, including SRC-IP, DST-IP, IP protocol,
IP-TOS; layer-4 header, including UDP/TCP source and dest port, ICMP type,
and code; SRC-IPv6, DST_IPv6, IPv6 Flow Label, ECN, ICMPv6 type and code,
source L4 Port for TCP / UDP / SCTP and input port including physical port
and LAG port.
The following example shows the output when the switch groups parameter
is given:
console#show openflow switch groups
Max Indirect Group Entries......................................... 1234
Current Indirect Group Entries in database......................... 123
Max All Group Entries.............................................. 1234
Current All Group Entries in database.............................. 123
Max Select Group Entries........................................... 1234
Current Select Group Entries in database........................... 123