Users Guide

Layer 3 Routing Commands 1281
deny—Indicates that matching routes are denied.
community-number—From zero to sixteen community numbers
formatted as a 32-bit integers or in AA:NN format, where AA is a 2-byte
autonomous system number and NN is a 16 bit integer. The range is 1 to
4,294,967,295 (any 32-bit integer other than 0). Communities are
separated by spaces.
no-advertise—The well-known standard community: NO_ADVERTISE
(0xFFFFFF02), which indicates the community is not to be advertised.
no-export—The well-known standard community: NO_EXPORT,
(0xFFFFFF01), which indicates the routes are not to be advertised outside
the community.
no-export-subconfed—The well-known standard community:
NO_EXPORT_SUBCONFED (0xFFFFFF03), which indicates the routes
are not to be advertised to external BGP peers.
Default Configuration
No community lists are configured by default.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode
User Guidelines
A community list statement with no community values is considered a match
for all routes, regardless of their community membership. So the statement
ip community-list bullseye permit
is a “permit all” statement.
A community number may be entered in either format, as a 32-bit integer or a
pair of 16-bit integers separated by a colon, regardless of whether the ip bgp-
community new-format command is active. Up to 16 communities, including
the well-known communities, can be listed in a single command. Up to 32
statements may be configured with a given community list name. Up to 128
unique community list names may be configured.
Successive invocations of the command are additive in that they add to the
configured communities up to the maximum.