Users Guide

Switch Management Commands 2165
console(config)#sflow 1 destination owner 1 timeout 2000
console(config)#sflow 1 destination maxdatagram 500
console(config)#sflow 1 destination 560
sflow polling
Use the sflow polling command to enable a new sflow poller instance for this
data source if rcvr_idx is valid. An sflow poller sends counter samples to the
receiver. Use the “no” form of this command to reset poller parameters to the
sflow rcvr-index polling {gigabitethernet | tengigabitethernet |
fortygigabitethernet} interface-list poll-interval
no sflow rcvr-index polling {gigabitethernet | tengigabitethernet |
fortygigabitethernet} interfaces
rcvr-index — The sFlow Receiver associated with the poller (Range: 1–
interface-list — The list of interfaces to poll in unit/slot/port format.
poll-interval — The sFlow instance polling interval. A poll interval of 0
disables counter sampling. A value of n means once in n seconds a
counter sample is generated. (Range: 0–86400).
Default Configuration
There are no pollers configured by default.
The default poll interval is 0.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode.
User Guidelines
The sflow instance must be configured using the sflow destination owner
command before this command can successfully execute.