Users Guide

Using the CLI 263
SNMPv3 and the security information for used this protocol.
For each of these management profiles, the administrator defines the list of
hosts or subnets from which the management profiles may be used. The
management ACL capability only applies to VLANs configured on in-band
ports and may not be configured on the out-of-band management port.
Other CLI Tools and Capabilities
The CLI has several other capabilities associated with its primary functions.
Terminal Paging
The default terminal width and length for CLI displays is 79 characters and
25 lines, respectively. The length setting is used to control the number of lines
the CLI will display before it pauses. For example, the CLI pauses at 24 lines
and prompts the user with the --More-- or (q)uit prompt on the 25th line.
The CLI waits for the user to press either <q> or <Enter> or any other key.
If the user presses any key other than <Enter> or <q>, the CLI shows the
next page. A <q> key stops the display and returns to the CLI prompt. The
<Enter> key advances the display by one line. Use the terminal length
command to change the number of lines displayed in a page. A terminal
length of 0 disables pagination. This option is not recommended for serial
console speeds of less than 115200.
Boot Message
The boot message is a system message that is not user-configurable and is
displayed when the system is booting.
To start the normal booting process, select item 1 in the Boot Menu. The
following is a sample log for booting information.
Select startup option within 5 seconds, else Operational Code will start
Operational Code Startup -- Main Menu
1 - Start Operational Code
2 - Display Boot Menu
Select (1, 2)#
active = /dev/mtd7
Extracting Operational Code from .stk file...done.
Loading Operational Code...done.
Decompressing Operational Code...done.