Users Guide

Layer 2 Switching Commands 465
—The name of an existing Ethernet ring protection profile.
The maximum length of a profile name is 32 characters.
Default Configuration
There are no associated profiles by default.
Command Mode
Ethernet Ring Instance Configuration mode
User Guidelines
This command associates the Ethernet ring protection properties from the
named profile with the Ethernet Ring instance. This command is optional.
The default profile properties are configured if no profile is associated with
the ERP instance or if the mapped profile does not exist.
This example configures a closed ring node for interface Te1/0/1 and Te1/0/2.
A single instance is created and associated with ERP profile1. The profile sets
the hold-off timer to 500 milliseconds.
console (config)# ethernet ring g8032 profile profile1
console (config-erp-profile1)#timer hold-off 500
console (config-erp-profile1)#exit
console (config)# ethernet ring g8032 ring1
console (config-erp-ring1)#port0 interface te1/0/1
console (config-erp-ring1)#port1 interface te1/0/2
console (config-erp-ring1)#instance 1
console (config-erp-inst-1)#profile profile1
Command History
Command introduced in firmware release 6.6.1.
Use the rpl command to configure the Ethernet Ring Protection Link (RPL)
and role of the associated ring node. Use the no rpl command to remove the
RPL association.